Portion control is a vital key to a healthy life. It helps you maintain a proper weight and avoid obesity, diseases, and early death. Good portion sizes also prevent the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. The majority of food consumed in America today is out of proportion, leading to some major health problems further down the road that you may not even see or feel at first. This is why it’s essential to learn portion control now while you are younger so that if you find yourself older with health problems, you’ll know there was a cause and effect relation between the way you used to eat and your current state of health.

The most common thing people worry about when it comes to portion sizes is still being able to enjoy their meal. That’s why restaurants are allowed to supersize meals without having any consequences other than the financial burden that comes with it. It’s important to remember that you should never feel embarrassed or feel like you’re not getting enough if your plates are smaller in comparison to others around you. The health of the human body is the most important thing you should be worried about. Not everyone can survive on super-sized portions and remain healthy, so it’s important to know your limits.

If you want to stay healthy and avoid obesity down the road, these tips will help you with proper portion control.

  • Eat out at home more often instead of eating out at restaurants.
  • Make your own food and portions and stick to it! 
  • Measure out serving sizes in cups and ounces, not in handfuls or spoons. 
  • When eating out, ask for a child’s portion or split one with someone else at the table. 


If you’re not sure how much food you should be eating, do some online research about proper serving sizes and healthy portions for adults. You want to ensure that you are not eating too little or too much because both can affect your metabolism by slowing it down or making it work too hard. The proper portion size for someone who is not overweight should be around a 50% lean protein, 30% carbs, and 20% vegetables.

If you are looking to lose a few pounds or just maintain a healthy weight, eating out less will help you keep your portions controlled while enjoying the foods you love.

Eat a wide variety of different foods to get a complete range of vitamins and nutrients more easily. Eat some fruits for your sugar, vegetables for fiber, whole grains for complex carbs, and lean meat sources for protein. Don’t forget to drink lots of water every day! You will get all the nutrition you need without eating too much of any one food.


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